
The Circuit Breaker Pattern Part 2 - C# implementation

In a previous post, we presented the Circuit Breaker design pattern and discussed it usefulness in building stable back-end services.

In this post, we are going to take a look at an example .NET Core implementation of the pattern that you can find in this Github repository.

High Level Structure and Behavior

In this example, we have a .NET Core console application that uses a MongoDB database instance, a very simple structure:

Example structure

The console app asks the MongoDB instance to perform two operations:

  • Writing a single Person document in the persons collection
  • Reading all Person documents from the persons collection

Person is a very simple C# class, here is its definition:

When executed the console app will perform 100 sequential operations, in each iteration the program randomly selects one of the two previously described operations(read or write).

Executing the program with a running database instance produces output similar to the following:

Written: { Id: 3, Name: 'Baby Roy 3'}

Read => { Id: 3, Name: 'Baby Roy 3'}

Read => { Id: 3, Name: 'Baby Roy 3'}

Read => { Id: 3, Name: 'Baby Roy 3'}

Written: { Id: 7, Name: 'Baby Roy 7'}

Written: { Id: 8, Name: 'Baby Roy 8'}

Written: { Id: 9, Name: 'Baby Roy 9'}

Written: { Id: 10, Name: 'Baby Roy 10'}

By killing the database instance you will start seeing timeout errors as follows:

MongoDB.Driver.MongoCommandException: Command find failed: interrupted at shutdown.

MongoDB.Driver.MongoConnectionException: An exception occurred while
sending a message to the server.

System.TimeoutException: A timeout occured after 2000ms selecting a server


When Config.CircuitClosedErrorLimit is reached the circuit gets opened:


Exception of type 'CircuitBreakerSample.Exceptions.CircuitOpenException' was thrown.

Finally, starting back the database instance will cause the circuit to close at some point:

Exception of type 'CircuitBreakerSample.Exceptions.CircuitOpenException' was thrown.

Read => { Id: 8, Name: 'Baby Roy 8'}, ...

Written: { Id: 41, Name: 'Baby Roy 41'}


Deeper Level Structure

The following class diagram depicts the internal structure of the console application:

example uml class diagram

The Programclass contains the Main method which is the entry point of the application, this is where we implemented the previously described behavior.

The DatabaseConnectionFactory is responsible for creating and returning a MongoClient instance that is going to be used by the MongoPersonRepository to issue requests to the database instance.

The MongoPersonRepository implements the IPersonRepository interface and is the actual gateway to the external MongoDB instance, as you can see in the following this class is not used directly by Program.Main:

Instead we use the circuit breaker version CircuitBreakerRepository which implements the same IPersonRepository and which wraps the MongoPersonRepository to add circuit breaking features.

Now let’s take a closer look at it.

The Circuit Breaker repository

In the basic principles post, we mentioned that the circuit breaker is a state machine that has 3 states with defined transitions:

Circuit Breaker States

Essentially, state machine objects execute different behaviors depending on their state, this can be implemented by using nested if or switch statements, by using a decision table or by using the state design pattern.

In this example, the CircuitBreakerRepository defines a class hierarchy that is useful for handling state specific behavior and state transitions.

The CircuitBreakerState abstract class represents a state handler and have three concrete sub-classes:

  • CircuitBreakerClosed which handles the closed state
  • CircuitBreakerOpen which handles the open state
  • CircuitBreakerHalfOpen which handles the half open state

The state pattern allows us to factor state machine code very neatly, to learn more about it you can checkout the following:

Closing Thoughts

This example is a very basic and simple implementation, it is possible to implement more sophisticated behaviors such as:

  • Saving documents in a caching layer in CircuitBreakerOpen.Write and making sure that they are written when transitioning to the closed state
  • Opening the circuit when high latency is detected
  • Basing the error limit on a robust statistical measure rather than simple error counting (error frequency for example)

These are left as an exercise to the reader